
Data Capture

Data Capture

ShutterBooth captures data while your potential clients create memories!

Our exclusive Data Capture technology will help you reach prospects and clients in ways you never may have imagined. You’ll have all of their contact information available on the spot. Guests will even receive an email before they leave your event!

Technology has transformed the photo booth. Your guests will be able to upload and share from the ShutterBooth. Your event will be all over Facebook!

Stay in touch with them after your event to build your brand — and your business! Our Branding feature allows you to highlight your logo.

If you’re looking for a new way to collect potential client data during a business event, we can help!

They’ll remember you and all the fun they had with a ShutterBooth — while you enhance your brand and grow your business!

Building your businesses is a snap with ShutterBooth!