
Going Green

ShutterBooth works to help make the world a greener place.

While the latest trend these days seems to be ‘going green’ ShutterBooth hasGoGreen been striving to be environmentally sound since the day we opened our doors.  We research and chose our supplies and electronics based on not only their efficiency, but also their ‘green’ attributes.

ShutterBooth uses Energy Star Qualified electronics.  These electronics are 25 percent more efficient than conventional models.  By using less energy, these products reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save energy as well as money.  Energy Star products automatically enter low-power mode when not in use.  The electronics we chose are also RoHS compliant, which means they restrict the use of hazardous materials such as cadmium, mercury, lead, hexavalent chromium, Polybrominated Biphenyls, and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers. 

ShutterBooth thinks that it’s not only important to reduce its carbon footprint by using less energy; we also strive to reuse and recycle as well.  Our inks and supplies are made of recycled components helping to result in zero landfill waste.  ShutterBooth is striving to always find new ways to help preserve our planet and make the world a better place. Have you Gone Green yet?

Find more information on how you can Go Green here: